Why EMDR Consultation?
EMDR consultation can be helpful for a variety of reasons including competing the requirements for basic training, advancing your knowledge through certification, assistance with a specific case or advancing your career by becoming an EMDRIA Approved Consultant.
Basic Training:
Once you've completed your EMDR Basic Training lecture and practicum requirement you will have to complete your consultation requirement. To complete the basic training requirements a trainee is required to attend at least 10 EMDR consultations with and EMDRIA approved consultant. These consultation need to be completed within 12 months to complete the basic training.
EMDR Certification:
Once you've completed your EMDR Basic Training requirements you can further solidify your skillset by becoming EMDR Certified. This takes your training, knowledge and implementation of EMDR to the next level.
Case Consultation:
No client case is the same and each can present unique clinical challenges. Having someone to staff cases with can be helpful in providing different approaches, insight and objectivity of the clinical issues being presented.
EMDRIA Consultant in Training:
Once you have become certified in EMDR the next step you may want to pursue is supporting other EMDR clinicians as an EMDR Approved Consultant. To do this you receive consultation from an EMDRIA Approved Consultant while you provide consultation services as an EMDRIA Consultant in Training.